Midsommar at Morsarvet 2008

From tradition - Friday the 20:th of June 2008 summers fresh winds flew in

over the Kingdom of Sweden and MpM was utterly celebrated by all the guests!


Amongst many scenarios these below pictures show us a bit how that looked:

Mr Skäär made sure to welcome all in his own poetic way


CDA had the corks flying as welcoming salute


JRL held his finger at the May Pole to make sure all went accordingly


Fader Berg blåste i basunen & såg till att tältets stag stodo som de skulle


Herr Hegethorn såg till att de lekar som skola lekas så och lekos som de skola lekas


Herr Lowisin nöjt blickandes mot den Lowisinska höjden


Monsieur vendroux chanté français montrent


Sen var det hög tid att intaga sill och nubbe och många andra delikatesser därtill





In English Please!